Manifest Your Own Reality

Yes, You! Manifesting the perfect life now.

Follow the instructions in this article.

There is be an audio frequency transmission to go with this and I will be teaching more in depth about this in my book.

Memorize these four things!

Harmony = Union

Disharmony = Separation

Your words are divine: All the power resides within You.

You are the Creator of Your own reality.



That applies whether the Harmony or Disharmony is with You and Your Soul


with You and your Physical Manifestation Desires.

Your blueprint lights up with codes of THE NEW ERA OF LIGHT through the frequency of harmony AND UNION…


Your blueprint lights up with the CODES of the OLD PROGRAM in disharmony!

All is frequency, your reality is the mirror of your frequency your body talk and emotional body influences all systems the most powerfully.

Your soul desires harmony and union.

Harmony and union with whatever your experience is and with whatever you desire.

This includes thought, words and emotions.


Usually people refer to manifesting as something “specific” they desire to come into their life.  Manifesting is also the result of creating. Your frequency is always revealed, it is Universal Law.


Creating is your Frequency and something you are always doing, whether you are aware of it or not. Your environment, the amount of money you have, the relationships you have are ALL are the MIRROR AND THE RESULT OF YOUR FREQUENCY. You are always Creating, whether it is what you do want or do not want.

All my life I have been connected to the abundant flow of wealth and money.

Why did this happen? Because I was always creating my reality. It was meant to happen because I created it.

When one takes responsibility for their Frequency there is no such thing as “was not meant to be”…It is all simply frequency; either in harmony or disharmony. Union with something or NOT.

Whether you are Vibrating in Harmony or in Disharmony that IS YOUR REALITY. It’s just that you were never told …that there is a way to raise your consciousness; understand the structure of the 12 chakra and the 12 strands of DNA; understand your cosmic energy and create a dialog (body talk) with your cells to bridge the gap of communication between intuition and innate and create your own reality rather than riding the wake of another. You can create YOUR OWN REALITY.

As the ONE creating your existence “your thoughts, words, feelings and emotions” bring about your “Reality”.

You could be guided to make moves or changes through your Heart and then allow fear and doubt to block the full results. You can let go of all resistance to change. Again, all is frequency.

There is the Eternal You who observes all those things called emotions and thoughts. When you merge in Divine Union, you create from the frequency of Harmony consciously and become conscious of all feelings, thoughts and words.

The result is ease and flow. ALL things then simply come to you, as you vibrate in the Frequency of Harmony.

But what does that really mean?

How does that fit into “desiring” a new Home or finding a partner?

When you are in the Conscious awareness of Being the Creator of Your existence. When you take responsibility that YOU are creating your “Reality” with every word, thought and feeling you have… You become aware there is No thing outside of You.

As such, you Move into Consciousness as a co-creator with Source, innate is simply aware of True Desires …you draw all to You as you vibrate in Harmony.

Source requires Nothing, needs No ~ Thing and exists in Pure Love and Ecstasy, as is …Harmony.

Does this mean you live without “things” or desires?

Absolutely Not!

So you want to sell a property, move or have more money. What do you do?

You Get your thoughts, feelings and the words that you speak RELATED to the DESIRE in HARMONY WITH IT.

Do you feel great about desiring more money? If not, GET in Harmony with Money.

Do you have fear of moving? If so Get in Harmony with moving.

If you DO NOT feel good about money? You will NOT have money. If you DO feel good about money you will have it, because Harmony brings UNION.

If you want a special relationship but do not feel good about yourself, YOU ARE BLOCKING IT. Vibrate in Harmony with you having a beautiful relationship.

There is no un-loving God, Universe or Creator outside of You that allows or does not allow. God is within you; the spirit is within you.

Take Full responsibility if you TRULY WANT A BEAUTIFUL REALITY. You are creating it with every breath you take. Look at Your thoughts, the old program, the emotions that take you to places that are not filled with Love and Harmony. Look there, do NOT run from them.

Make a list of your Desires. Put on that list how you consciously feel about each item. What you are reading will not benefit YOU if you do not follow these instructions all the way through!

NOTE especially what fears or doubts you have in relationship to what is on your List. Mark it beside it …list the doubts and fears.

NOTE them …then begin to move deeper and for longer periods of time in Harmony with your Desires. Move into feeling good about them, deserving them and Loving yourself; YOU ARE WORTHY.

If you do not know how to do this. Create affirmations (see examples below); meditate; talk to yourself (innate is listening) listen to the audio frequency transmissions that GIVE you the Frequency to vibrate with in relationship to your desires

…understand the structure of the 12 chakra and the 12 strands of DNA; understand your cosmic energy and create a dialog (body talk) with your cells to bridge the gap of communication between intuition and innate and CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY rather than riding the wake of another.

The following meditation, practiced daily, would change the world almost instantly if practiced by enough people! Start your day with all of your energy present, cleansed and protected, grounded into Gaia, and connected with Heaven & Earth! Love and thanks! Solara An-Ra, Warrior of the Light xxx

Essential Daily Practice: Chakra Balancing and Healing Meditation

Healing, Abundance, Twin Soul, Enlightenment…

What areas are you desiring more of?  And note the Harmony level you are experiencing around those areas. Write on the List and keep it and date it. 

If you are not experiencing those things you are Simply Not VIBRATING TO THE FREQUENCY OF THEM in a Harmonious way.

If you never have felt Abundance you may not know what that frequency feels like!

Harmony is the KEY!


The things you have NOT manifested ARE the result of Disharmony.

So begin today to CREATE YOUR REALITY

You are the Creator of your Reality.

As I mentioned in the beginning.

Memorize these four things!

Harmony = Union

Disharmony = Separation

Your words are divine: All the power resides within You.

You are the Creator of Your own reality.

Watch What You Say

Remember your words are divine; if you say “I am broke”; “I don’t have any money” You are creating YOUR OWN REALITY!

Wouldn’t it be better to say OUT LOUD!

“I am connected to the abundant flow of wealth and money that is available to everyone. The source of my supply is unlimited and there is enough for everyone.”

Watch your thoughts, WATCH WHAT YOU SAY.

Your words are divine: “talk to yourself”. All the power resides within you and you need to understand how to do this and whom to address your instructions to.  So, talk to yourself because innate is listening to what you say. There is energy when you speak out loud. This is a bridge you have never been taught. The bridge is this:  When you speak in the open air, your ears can hear it. The vibration in the air from your vocal cords which is coming from your consciousness and the statements thereof; go into your brain. Now you’re inside because you heard your own words inside the brain. That is where the blood is flowing, innate is there and it listens and it knows. Communication. Talk to yourself.

Listen to the Chakra Balancing and Healing Audio Frequency Transmissions.

You CAN manifest your reality. Miracles are a Frequency! Simply Vibrate to the Frequency of Harmony with Your Desires, it really is that simple.

You can Manifest the Perfect Life for You Now.

In Harmony there is ONE Frequency Perfection and UNION …In Disharmony there is separation and the APPEARANCE OF SEPARATE FORCES.

good and bad..

There is No manifesting that is “for the highest good” or “not for the highest good”

You are either in Harmony with something which is PERFECT AND UNION…


You are in Disharmony and there APPEARS TO BE GOOD AND BAD…

Opposing forces!! ~ separation…

It is YOU and How you are vibrating that creates the EXPERIENCE OF IT.

IT Shows up as the highest good or not based on YOUR frequency of harmony or disharmony with it.

The MIRROR is Universal Law.

About Affirmations:

Watch what you say; instead of negative posturing, give yourself affirmations. Blessed is the Human Being who understands the power of Human speech. Who are you? Say your name out loud. “I am [your name goes here] “And put the emphasis on “AM” and watch what happens.

Let me tell you what that phrase means. If your name is Paul and you say” I AM Paul, ”the first two words are the statement of who you are. “I AM; Paul, is then the added identifier of what you’re called. It’s two statements in three words. “

“Watch what you say! The words out of your mouth are constructs of energy that are divine. They go into the air and they’re fulfilled, as best can be, by those energies in your body, and those around you (who you cannot see) try their best to fulfill what you wish to co-create. Perhaps in a negative situation you might say, “Oh, great! I knew that would happen. Your cellular structure says, “Did you hear the boss? She liked it!” the entities around you hear it, too. “Did you hear the boss? She thinks it’s great. Let’s do It again!” Did you ever think of that? The cells hear it, and they’ll do their best to make sure it happens again!

Example Affirmations:

SAY THE FOLLOWING AFFIRMATIONS OUT LOUD. (The words out of your mouth are constructs of energy that are divine.)

Remove Your Karma

“I drop my old karma. I move forward.”

“I release things that do not work or keep me from moving forward.”

Restore Your Health

“Within my DNA are the templates and blueprints of prefect health. Innate accesses the blueprints easily, every time it is required.”

Get Connected to Wealth and Money

“I am connected to the abundant flow of wealth that is available to everyone. The source of my supply is unlimited and there is enough for everyone.”

You Are Worthy

“I am a beloved Human, who is blessed with continuous love and abundance from Gaia and the creator. My needs are always met.”

Essential Daily Practice:

Chakra Balancing and Healing Meditation

See Also:

Innate Revealed

The 12 Chakras

Chakra: Your Personal Doorway to Creating Your Own Reality

The 12 Strands of DNA

SECRETS REVEALED by Pleiadians: Real-isation of you own individual power.

Heal an injury, Balance your Organs to a healthy condition, Restore your immune syatem, Enhance your meditation, Enhance athletic performance, Reduce the time to heal a chronic or long-standing problem. Go Here …where you begin your journey to raise your consciousness; understand the structure of the 12 chakra and the 12 strands of DNA; understand your cosmic energy and create a dialog (body talk) with your cells to bridge the gap of communication between intuition and innate and create your own reality rather than riding the wake of another. You were never told that you are a Multi-Dimensional Master; until now.

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