FOIA every judge, every court official, every jail, every state representative, every county official, every city official, school district, state Board of Education etc. They are all IMPOSTERS signed in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, FOREIGN CORPORATION and a FOREIGN CONSTITUTION.

The Military Is Ready To Step In

Transcribed by Kenneth July 22, 2023

Exciting news: The Military Is Ready To Step In; there’s a new overwatch group in place!

The real government was restored by Trump, the Military and the White Hats. The fake government has been completely dismantled. Every state, county and city CORPORATION has been dissolved.

Get your civil/criminal/foreclosure case dismissed; remove the judge from the bench; get the prosecutor/plaintiff/attorney removed.

How do we do get a remedy?

1) Send a FOIA request by the way of certified mail for the Oath of Office of every elected and appointed official in the United States. FOIA = Freedom of Information Act. (see an example here.) Every judge, every court official, every jail, every state representative, every county official, every city official, school district, state Board of Education etc. They are all IMPOSTERS signed in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, FOREIGN CORP. and a FOREIGN CONSTITUTION. (example FOIA reply from Executive Office for United States Attorneys)

You can find a sample FOIA request for each state here (or see this example I am using)

2) Then we get the CUSIP number for the Court case. (proof of a for-profit corporation.)

3) Also, we search Dunn & Bradstreet for the incorporated for-profit court. (again, proof of a for-profit corporation.)


4) Then we file a complaint to the local Military JAG (Judge Advocate General) at the local Military/National Guard Base.

For Example: this case in California:
“For the Disqualification of the de facto Judge JOHN M. TOMBERLIN and for the Disqualification of Prosecuting attorney representing the city of San Bernardino DAMIAN NORTHCUTT for lack of credentials and fraud on the court. Any uncertified attorney who files any documents with the court is in violation of C.P.C 115. Only an Article 3, fully credential judge can sit on a case, involving a live, natural person Benny-Gonzalez: Juarez, for the U.S. Supreme court for these judicial officers are hereby removed and terminated on the following information on this Cases Civil-Case-No.CIVDS-1939295 and Criminal-Case-No-MSB18006124 for the California Supreme Court examining committee has no certificate of admittance to practice law in California issued and certified by the clerk of the Supreme Court as mandated by Law. BAR
cards do not qualifiy any person to practice Law in California, For the De Facto Court has no proper seal it is a De facto Seal it is illegal or illegitimate and unconstitutional…”


I, Benny-Gonzalez: Juarez request from this court an Order of Dismissal For Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction, and particularly for the following reasons:
A. The Legal Standard for a Motion to Dismiss
“Lack of jurisdiction may be raised for the first time in this court, when it appears on the face of the bill and proceedings, and it may be taken notice of by
this court on its own motion.” Charleston Apartments Corp. v. Appalachian Elec. Power Co., 118 West Va. 694, 192 S.E. 294 (1937). (example complaint)

 – Blacks-5th De facto-Judge-a judge who functions under color of authority but whose authority is defective in some procedural form. Riley v. Bradley, 252 Ala. 282, 41 So.2d 641.
– Blacks-5th De Facto-Court; One established, organized, and exercising its Judicial Function under authority of a statute apparently valid, through such statue may be in fact unconstitutional and may be afterwards so adjudged; or a court established and acting under the authority of a de facto Government.
– Blacks-10th De facto court; (1) A court functioning under the Authority of a Statute that is later adjudged to be invalid also termed Court de facto.

And BOOM!!! the military will do an investigation and has been sending unmarked vehicles to detain the IMPOSTERS; most are making deals and resigning!

These IMPOSTERS are all foreign corporate officers posing as government officials. They are in direct violation of the law and they have no jurisdiction over anyone.

We report these IMPOSTERS if they don’t have an Oath of Office. It further confirms that they are imposters posing as government officials. It’s all about the military now. People need to see for themselves these are not government officers. They are IMPOSTERS! We owe them nothing and they have distracted us for long enough. It was always a legal (de facto) illusion.

Every ruling from every judge in every Maritime Court is null and void.


video – The Federal Judiciary is Pure Fraud

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